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spiritual self care routine

honestly, i hate writing blog intros and i’m sure you want to get to the nitty gritty of this juicy ass blog post, so i’ll just skip it. just know that this is the best spiritual self care guide in the world, and i am very hype to raise the collective consciousness with it. yeet.

what is spiritual self care?

spiritual self care is fostering body, mind and soul wellbeing. it’s understanding how taking care of one impacts the others.

spiritual self care is a level up from normal self care, in my very humble opinion. most “self care guides” these days are all about taking a lovely bath, or reading a book, or making a nice dinner for yourself. those things aren’t bad, and can be a great part of self care routines, but they only skim the surface of what can be done with self care.

why is spiritual self care important?

spiritual self care is LIFE CHANGING. it took me from having an eating disorder, being low-key suicidal and hating everything and everyone in the world to thriving. i now take immaculate care of my body, i am in touch with my intuition and highest self, i know i am divinely guided by the universe, and i have love overflowing from my pores.

beyond the spiritual, it has also made me way more productive and confident in my abilities. i go after what i desire, because i know that i have done the self work to be prepared to manifest every one of my whims. i understand that success is my birthright, and if i stay in alignment it will flow to me.

what should you do in a spiritual self care practice?

the honest answer is whatever you feel drawn to. everyone practices self care and spirituality differently, so it’s up to you to customize your routine to work for you. i have written out my own spiritual self care routine below. take what calls to you, leave the rest!

my self care routine has a lot of journaling, tracking, and other forms of pen to paper dictation. i realize this can be a lot to write down, so i’ve created a FREE spiritual self care routine journal for you! it has all the writing prompts, habit tracking and self audit exercises i use in one place. this is a collection from 5 years of incessant self growth research and $5000 investment put into one place. totally for free.

See this form in the original post

daily spiritual self care practice

  • meditate

    “grace, you basic bitch, we all knew meditation would be on here. everyone says that.” you’re right on both counts, and there’s a reason for that! meditation is the #1 tool for spiritual growth. i’m not gonna say you need to be doing it, but you need to do some kind of mental stillness every. single. day.

    if seated meditation just isn’t your thing, that’s okay! they’re a million other forms of meditation, from walking to laughter to nature. research, find one that works for you, and do it every single day.

  • shower visualization

    not only is this visualization super powerful, but can also count as meditation if you want to knock out both at the same time.

    when you get into the shower, become aware of the feeling of water flowing down your body until it reaches the floor. imagine the water is infused with healing, and it is gently washing away all of the negative energy your body has. starting from the crown of your head, feel the sense of calm and clarity flow down until is reaches your feet.

    soothing as hell, right?

  • mindful technology use

    it’s almost impossible to be away from your phone during the day. we rely on it for work, to keep in contact with family, and foster a sense of community with others around the world. technology isn’t inherently bad, but it can be abused.

    the key to healthy technology use is mindfulness. most of us pick up our phones out of reflex. we don’t need information that that moment, it’s just what we do when we’re bored.

    overtime you pick up your phone, ask yourself what is the purpose of using my phone in this moment? if you have a definitive purpose such as texting someone back, googling something, or listening to a podcast, you’re good to go! if the answer doesn’t come clearly to you, it’s probably out of habit. choose not to go on your phone in that moment, take a few deep breaths, and do something else to quell your boredom.

  • journal

    every single morning and night, i use the five minute journal. i love how simple it is while packing a punch. after i do that, i write down a few thoughts with other prompts. i have included these prompts in my self care journal that you can get here.

  • express gratitude

    if you do absolutely nothing else on this list, please express gratitude every single day. it doesn’t have to be lengthy, even thinking about how grateful you are for one second counts.

    make sure it’s authentic! what are you actually grateful for in your life? gratitude has the power to raise your vibration, but only if you actually feel into the emotion.

weekly spiritual self care practice

  • mindset monday

    every single monday, i take three hours our of my day to do a mindset check. mindset work is the most powerful tool we have to change our reality. the life you live is all about perception, so making sure that you are focusing on growth, integrating and accepting your shadow, and finding new ways to optimize your life is the key to living a more fulfilling life.

  • no phone day

    in all honesty, this doesn’t happen all the time. some weeks i simply have too much work to do to completely set down my phone, but it has been so beneficial when i can fit it in.

    take a day to completely sign off of social media. not only does it help you assess if you have a social media addiction, but it helps create a quiet place in your brain for your intuition to speak instead of getting bombarded by other people all the time.

  • tarot and oracle focus for the week

    this is integrated into the mindset monday practice. i shuffle my cards and ask them “what do i need to know this week?” i pull an oracle and tarot card, record their meanings and how they apply to my current situation, and display them for the week. this is a great reminder from your highest self.

  • habit tracker

    the habit tracker has been life changing when it comes to productivity. every mindset monday, i look at my goals and find 5 habits i can do every day to reach my goals,. i then make a tracking chart with my habits and the days of the week, and every day i record whether ri completed that task or not. i integrated the habit tracker into the spiritual self care journal too!

monthly spiritual self care practice

  • life audit

    a life audit is a tool to help you take a no-nonsense look at your life. have you been achieving your goals? what mistakes have you made? what are your accomplishments? are you happy? these are some of the questions that a life audit includes.

    my life audit is so amazing i could be selling it, but for a limited time it’s included in that free spiritual self care journal i mentioned. don’t wait to get it, because one of these days i will pull out my life audit techniques and make you pay for them.

  • make and reevaluate goals

    you’ve been tracking your habits every single day, which is great and you’re probably seeing a lot of progress towards your goals! now is the time to look at your goals list again.

    now that you have your goal, what’s next? or if you don’t have your goal, do you need to tweak your habits to fast track success?

yearly spiritual self care practice

  • growth vacation

    everyone needs time off to relax and not work, but what if i told you you can go on vacation and work on yourself at the same time? welcome to the growth vacation!

    a growth vacation is not only the relaxing time you need, but will also improve your body, mind or spirit. maybe all three!

    a growth vacation can be as serious as a trip to south america to do ayahuasca, or just a night away to journal, take a bath, and reflect on your life.

    the reason i think growth vacations are essential is because it gets you out of your normal routine. sure, you could do self work at home, but doing it in a new location creates pathways in your brain that can help you think in ways you normally wouldn’t, leading to larger breakthroughs.

  • make and reevaluate 5 year plan

    a lot can change in a year, and one of the keys to successful goal setting is reevaluating goals often.

    once again, journaling prompts for your 5 year plan are available in my free spiritual self care guide, which you can get here.

  • take a course/find a mentor

    there is nothing, NOTHING, that can accelerate your growth like learning. humans are life long learners, and investing in yourself is investing in the higher consciousness of the earth.

    this year, i invested in a 200 hour yoga teacher training through alchemy of yoga. it absolutely changed the way i think and made me love yoga all over again. it also gave me a new source of income now that i can teach yoga, so that’s fun!

    there’s a million mentors and coaches and courses out there, you won’t have any trouble finding one. you probably know a person you follow on instagram that offers coaching, so that’s a great place to start looking for your new insights.

i hope those spiritual self care tips helped! if you haven’t already, make sure to download my FREE spiritual self care journal by clicking here.

pin it for later!

See this gallery in the original post