five mindful activities to do during quarantine
well this was never a blog post i’d thought i’d write, but the whole world is a little whack right now. i hope you’re staying safe, practicing social distancing, and honoring your emotions during this stressful moment tin human history.
with many people out of work and being told to stay home, humanity is experiencing something we rarely have: excessive free time. learning to chill is a learned skill. if you’re feeling anxious about having unstructured time, that’s okay!
for some people, this going to be absolute do nothing time. which is fantastic! if you are being called to do nothing, do it. there are very few times in life where the government has given you permission to do nothing. take it.
if you are feeling a little stir crazy and like you need to do SOMETHING, this list is for you! all these things are self care and growth oriented, so you can rise a little higher during these times of uncertainty.
create (or update) your vision board
while you have hours upon hours to ponder what you want to do with your life once you can be in the outside world, you’re probably tapping into your dharma. your dharma is your divine purpose. for me, my dharma always speaks to me when i’m not doing much. this may inspire you to start manifesting all aspects of your dream life!
i have two vision boards: one digital that i keep as my phone background, and one physical i keep propped on my desk so i can see it everyday. my digital vision board has very specific tangible goals (visiting hawaii and australia, building a treehouse, eating high vibe food) while my physical vision board is more about the feeling i want to have in life.
there’s no wrong way to build a vision board. you can either go out it and channel what feels right, or i love these tutorials by self made ladies and boss project.
pick up yoga
i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again: yoga is the #1 cure to the quarantine blues. not only are you getting your blood pumping, the philosophy of yoga creates mental grit. yoga helps us accept what we cannot change with love and grace.
i love yoga with adriene and boho beautiful for online classes. many yoga studios also have live online classes right now, which is a great way to support your local yogi community. you can also just free flow to find what feels good.
start a creative hobby
there’s no better time to start learning something you’ve always wanted to do than when you physically can’t do anything else. use your spare time to catalyst that change in your life. some great ideas are painting, learning an instrument, writing, knitting, starting a youtube channel, or gardening.
cook high vibe food
it’s real easy to fall into the “chinese takeout every day” pit when you can’t leave the house. even know that’s super convenient, you’re gonna feel like garbage when the world restarts! this is a perfect time to up your chef game and cook some amazing healthy meals.
some of my favorite recipes:
enjoy the silence.
it’s not very often in life that the whole world goes silent. while it may seem really boring, this is a gift to humanity. the mandatory opportunity to slow down and do nothing probably won’t happen again in our lifetime. One of my favorite quotes is from Sir Francis Bacon, “Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom”.
it’s easy to think that we need to fill every single moment of the day with something, when sitting in silence doing nothing is our greatest teacher. you find your true self in silence.
this looks different to everyone. you could meditate, do a full vipassana week, or simply commit to not having music or tv on in the background of your daily activities.