new moon ritual for manifestation
happy new moon friend!
the new moon is the darkest phase in our lunar cycle. it is both the beginning and the end of the cycle, and is a powerful time to manifest your desires.
why do we follow the lunar cycles?
the moon has been a marker of the passage of time for thousands of years. honoring the moon is as old as recorded time. some of our most common folklore revolves around the moon.
at a base level, the moon reminds us that all phases of life are acceptable. whether we are shining brightly or covered in shadow, all parts of the human experience are worthy of celebration.
why do we manifest during the new moon?
the time leading up to the full moon is about work and determination, while the time after it is about letting go and flowing with the energy of the universe. when we set our desires during the new moon, we are setting ourselves up to work hard and alight with our desires in the two weeks leading up to the new moon. by the time we are ready to release, our desires are already in the works and will be amplified by the energy of the full moon.
new moon ritual
clear your energy.
in any ritual, it is good to come into it with clean energy. a common way to cleanse your energy is to use the smoke from herbs such as sage or rosemary. other options are playing singing bowls or visualizing white light cleaning your aura and space of all energy.
create a sacred space.
infuse your space with abundance! we’re calling in success and fulfillment, and an unmade bed and heaps of dirty laundry doesn’t really reflect that. what would help out tap into a mindset of luxury? do a quick tidy up, light candles, get some mood lighting, buy flowers and display them, do what you gotta do to feel great about the upcoming abundance.
make a healthy, abundant meal
personally, i always feel the most vibrant and aligned when i’m filling by body with healthy food. whole plant foods are light and hold a high vibration, so you’ll feel satisfied but not heavy. some of my favorite high vibe meals are:
-fresh spring rolls with avocado, cucumber, cilantro and tofu
-smoothie bowl
-greek inspired bowl with saffron rice, cucumber and souvlaki tofu
express gratitude.
i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again: you cannot receive everything you’ve desired without being grateful for what you have. you have manifested your current reality, and you raise your vibration by being in awe of your life.
expressing gratitude can be as easy as writing 3 things you’re grateful for, or telling one person you appreciate them. it takes like 5 seconds, but you will notice a huge leap in your desires manifesting.
meditate on your goals an desires.
simple question: do you know what you want? if you do, congratulations! most people don’t. this human experience is vast and there are many paths we can take. it’s challenging to decide and voice exactly what we want.
if you are unsure what you would like to manifest, i suggest doing a 10 minute meditation to tap into your intuitive voice.
sit in a comfortable seat, rest your palms on your knees, and close your eyes. take three deep breaths to ground into the present. once you feel settled into that space, ask your highest self “what do i want?” your ego may begin to answer, giving you answers based off of societal expectations or what others wish you do to. listen for the quiet voice, the one that speaks from the calm and truth we all hold inside of us. it may be that you wish to be happy, find a fulfilling job, time to rest, or more soul connections.
once you have explored that small voice, open your eyes and write down the truth of your desires.
write down what you want like it has already happened.
this is a common tool used in manifestation. take your list of desires, and rewrite them as if they have already happened. here’s an example: instead of writing “i wish to have friends that understand me”, write “I have friends who understand me”. this reaffirms the belief that your manifestation has already occurred, because it has. it’s just on it’s way to you!
create a mantra for the moon cycle.
mantras are powerful tools for manifestation! just as you wrote down your desires in present tense, you will create your mantra as if it has happened. your mantras should relate toy for desires, and should convey the feeling you have towards those manifestations. some examples:
-i have an abundance of money
-i am happy and fulfilled in my relationships
-my body is beautiful and i take care of it immaculately.
all of those mantras have adjectives that create strong positive emotions! repeat your mantra every morning until the emotion is evoked.
close out the space.
after you have created a sense of abundance and certainty that your manifestations are coming, close out the space intentionally. you can say “and so it is”, express namaste, or just mentally end the session.
the manifestation does not end there. every morning, read your mantra out loud and feel into the space of abundance. take action to fulfill your desires, and they will flow you you naturally.